Online Tutorials

FREE Tutorial: Making Enamel Samples
Learn how to make the most of your studio time by building a library of enamel color samples...
FREE Tutorial: Making Enamel Samples
Learn how to make the most of your studio time by building a library of enamel color samples...

FREE Tutorial: Experimenting with Crackle Enamels
Want to try Thompson's crackle enamels but aren't sure where to start? Here are some experiments to inspire you.
FREE Tutorial: Experimenting with Crackle Enamels
Want to try Thompson's crackle enamels but aren't sure where to start? Here are some experiments to inspire you.
FREE Tutorial: DIY Jewelry Photos with a Phone
If you want to take beautiful jewelry photos but don't have the budget for a GemLightBox, here's a simple and practically free way to use your phone!
FREE Tutorial: DIY Jewelry Photos with a Phone
If you want to take beautiful jewelry photos but don't have the budget for a GemLightBox, here's a simple and practically free way to use your phone!

FREE Tutorial: Using a Shot Plate
When you're looking for ideas to embellish handmade jewelry and recycle silver, a shot plate is a handy tool to have at your jeweler's bench!
FREE Tutorial: Using a Shot Plate
When you're looking for ideas to embellish handmade jewelry and recycle silver, a shot plate is a handy tool to have at your jeweler's bench!

FREE Tutorial: Enameling for Beginners
Want to try enameling, but don't have access to a class in your area? I've put together an Intro to Enameling series just for you!
FREE Tutorial: Enameling for Beginners
Want to try enameling, but don't have access to a class in your area? I've put together an Intro to Enameling series just for you!